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=== History of MMR === The Ninth International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR2015) - Theory, Methods and Applications will be held in Tokyo, Japan. This website is still under construction. The details will be coming shortly. We are sorry for inconvenience. For a while, and also please refer to websites of some of the past conferences: - MMR1998 - Bucharest, Romania - MMR2000 - Bordeaux, France - MMR2004 - Trondheim, Norway - MMR2006 - Santa Fe, USA - MMR2007 - Glasgow, UK - [[|MMR2009 - Moscow]], Russia - MMR2011 - Beijing, China - [[|MMR2013 - Stellenbosch]], South Africa - [[|MMR2015]] - Tokyo, Japan

history.1390437920.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/23 09:45 by pixie