==== Instruction for Authors ==== All speakers will have to submit their extended abstracts (4-8 pages, with the templates provided below) in PDF format to [[https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmr2015|EasyChair for MMR2015]] by December 31, 2014. The maximum length of these extended abstracts is 8 pages. You can use LaTeX2e or Microsoft Word to create your extended abstract. But you are asked to submit your extended abstract in PDF format. === Template for extended abstracts === Please download the templates below. |Files for LaTeX2e Users|| |LaTeX2e Sample with Figure|{{::mmr2015-latex2e-sample.zip|sample-MMR.tex, Figure1.eps}}| |Class File for LaTeX2e|{{::mmr2015-latex2e-format.zip|mmr2015.cls and multirow.sty}}| |Sample in PDF|{{:sample-mmr2015.pdf|sample-MMR2015.pdf}}| |Files for Microsoft Word Users|| |Word Format|{{::mmr2015_mspaperformat.doc|MMR2015_MSExtendedAbstractFormat.doc}}| |Word Format in PDF|{{::mmr2015_mspaperformat.pdf|MMR2015_MSExtendedAbstractFormat.pdf}}| Extended abstracts should be submitted to [[https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmr2015|EasyChair for MMR2015]]. You will be asked to type abstracts (200 words maximum) and keywords (5 keywords maximum) during the submission process on EasyChair. Please copy and paste them from your submitting manuscript. We strongly recommend you to create papers using LaTeX2e. === Note on EasyChair Usage === We use [[http://easychair.org/|EasyChair]], which is a conference management system, for handling your submissions. This is an independent service and you will be asked to create a user account on their website, to log into [[https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmr2015|EasyChair for MMR2015]]. * If you have never used EasyChair, as an author or a chair, please open up [[https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mmr2015|EasyChair for MMR2015]], click "Sign up for an account", and follow the instructions. You will be sent an email requesting your contact information, and to confirm your account. After this you will be able to log in: click "New Submission" to submit your paper. After creating your account you may modify your personal information and submit a paper at any time * If you have your own EasyChair account, please log in with your account. * If you have forgotten your EasyChair password, visit the EasyChair password recovery page. [[easychair_instructions|Here]] is a detailed instruction on how to use EasyChair. === Note on LaTeX2e Class File === The class file mmr2015.cls is equivalent to mmr2013.cls, which was used for [[http://www.sastat.org.za/mmr2013/|MMR 2013]]. This class file has its origin at latex8.sty, a style file for IEEE CS Conference, and has been adopted to LaTeX2e and maintained by people around [[http://www.aparmnet.org/|APARM]]. We appreciate their efforts and generosity. === Please Feel Free to Contact Us === If you have any questions, please send an email to [[mailto:office@mmr2015.org]] or a facsimile to fax:+81-42-443-5273. Further contact information can be found at [[contact_us|this page]].