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 Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is located in Bukyo-ku of Tokyo. ​ Bunkyo-ku was a residential area for Samurai in Edo-era. ​ [[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​rikugien.pdf|Rikugien]] and [[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​koishikawa.pdf|Koishikawa Korakuen]] are famous gardens in 17th Century. ​ Bunkyo-ku has also many campuses of other universities,​ including University of Tokyo, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Chuo University, and Takushoku University. Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is located in Bukyo-ku of Tokyo. ​ Bunkyo-ku was a residential area for Samurai in Edo-era. ​ [[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​rikugien.pdf|Rikugien]] and [[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​koishikawa.pdf|Koishikawa Korakuen]] are famous gardens in 17th Century. ​ Bunkyo-ku has also many campuses of other universities,​ including University of Tokyo, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Chuo University, and Takushoku University.
 +Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is near Ikebukuro, one of the major hub stations in Tokyo. ​ The nearest station is Myogadani Station of Marunouchi Line by Tokyo Metro. ​ Since Marunouchi-Line connects Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo Station, and Ginza Station, and operates every 2-5 minites, we recommend you to take this subway to come to this campus. ​
 {{::​route_otsuka.gif|}} {{::​route_otsuka.gif|}}
 (This is the map provided at the web site of [[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_access.html|University of Tsukuba]].) (This is the map provided at the web site of [[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_access.html|University of Tsukuba]].)
-Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is near Ikebukuro, one of the major hub stations in Tokyo. ​ The nearest station is Myogadani Station of Marunouchi Line by Tokyo Metro. ​ Since Marunouchi-Line connects Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo Station, and Ginza Station, and operates every 2-5 minites, we recommend you to take this subway to come to this campus. ​ 
 Address: 3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-0012 Tokyo, Japan ([[http://​​1uOEYGU|Link to Google Maps]], [[https://​​117913315195174613064/​about|Map on Google+:]]) Address: 3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-0012 Tokyo, Japan ([[http://​​1uOEYGU|Link to Google Maps]], [[https://​​117913315195174613064/​about|Map on Google+:]])
venue.1431766404.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/05/16 17:53 by pixie