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venue [2014/11/09 11:37]
venue [2015/05/16 17:53] (current)
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 MMR2015 will be held at Bunkyo School Building in Tokyo Campus of [[http://​​|University of Tsukuba]] on June 1-4, 2015.  ​ MMR2015 will be held at Bunkyo School Building in Tokyo Campus of [[http://​​|University of Tsukuba]] on June 1-4, 2015.  ​
-Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is located ​near Ikebukuro, one of the major hub stations ​in Tokyo.  ​The nearest station is Myogadani Station of Marunouchi Line by Tokyo Metro.  ​Since Marunouchi-Line connects Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo Station, and Ginza Stationand operates every 2-5 miniteswe recommend you to take this subway to come to this campus+Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is located in Bukyo-ku of Tokyo.  ​Bunkyo-ku was a residential area for Samurai in Edo-era.  ​[[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​rikugien.pdf|Rikugien]] and [[http://​​kouen/​kouenannai/​park/​english/​koishikawa.pdf|Koishikawa Korakuen]] are famous gardens in 17th Century. ​ Bunkyo-ku has also many campuses of other universitiesincluding University of Tokyo, ​Tokyo Medical ​and Dental UniversityChuo Universityand Takushoku University.
-[[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_campus.html|The map of Tokyo Campus]] is kindly ​provided ​by University ​of Tsukuba.  ​[[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_access.html|The access map to this camps]] is also provided.+Tokyo Campus of University of Tsukuba is near Ikebukuro, one of the major hub stations in Tokyo The nearest station is Myogadani Station of Marunouchi Line by Tokyo Metro Since Marunouchi-Line connects Ikebukuro Station, Tokyo Station, and Ginza Station, and operates every 2-5 minites, we recommend you to take this subway to come to this campus 
 +(This is the map provided ​at the web site of [[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_access.html|University of Tsukuba]].)
 Address: 3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-0012 Tokyo, Japan ([[http://​​1uOEYGU|Link to Google Maps]], [[https://​​117913315195174613064/​about|Map on Google+:]]) Address: 3-29-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku, 112-0012 Tokyo, Japan ([[http://​​1uOEYGU|Link to Google Maps]], [[https://​​117913315195174613064/​about|Map on Google+:]])
 +=== Marunouchi Subway Line ===
 +The conference venue is located near a subway station, Myougadani Station (M-23), on Marunouchi Subway Line operated by Tokyo Metro.
 +=== Myougadani Station ===
 +=== Campus Map ===
 +[[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_campus.html|The campus map of Tokyo Campus]] is kindly provided by University of Tsukuba. ​ [[http://​​english/​access/​bunkyo_access.html|The access map to this campus]] is also provided.
 +=== Further Information ===
 +We pepare {{::​mmr2015_access_from_narita.pdf|Access information from Narita Airport through Tokyo Dome City Hotel}} and  {{::​mmr2015_access_from_haneda.pdf|Access information from Haneda Airport through Tokyo Dome City Hotel}} for your reference.
venue.1415500639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/09 11:37 by pixie